Paediatric First Aid

pediatric first aid

A must read for Parents and Teachers.

Kids are probably the most wonderful thing that could happen to any parent. They are our pride and joy, the reason why we get up early in the morning to go to work, why we struggle to finish work early so we can be home, and they are our motivation to become better persons. So, with priceless jewels living with us, it is but natural that we take really good care of them. When they were born and they were so fragile, we were so scared of holding them fearing that they would be crushed or that we may let go. As they grow a bit older, they become stronger and want to show off the things they can do. And what could parents do aside from making sure the house is child proof? The truth is that we can’t watch our kids 24/7. They are bound to do something reckless and the only thing we can do is perform paediatric first aid, should it come to that.

If parents truly love their child, they will make sure that they have the knowledge and skills to help their child when they are needed. It is not an excuse to say that you are busy with work and have no time to go and have training. Is it worth the risk? If your baby were choking on his milk and it does not seem to stop, what do you do? And before you take any action, ask yourself if you are doing it right and if not, are you going to cause more trouble for the baby? These questions should not be an issue in every household. Parents should be trained and let their training kick in should an emergency arise.

The same could be said about teachers and caregivers. Teachers are considered second parents and it is their responsibility to watch over the children who are in their care. Parents trust the school and its teachers that they are going to do everything they can to keep the kids safe inside the school premises. If a teacher cannot handle simple paediatric first aid, should she even be teaching? Being a teacher is more than just giving lessons. It is more than just computing students’ grades. If employees in a company are being asked to attend first aid courses in order to help their colleagues, teachers should be at the top of the list.

These days, parents are so busy with work and whatnots that they forget their main responsibility. It is not enough that you clothe your child or put food on the table. You should also be the first to help them when they need it the most. Learn more about paediatric first aid training courses and how it can help you save the life of your kids.

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