First Aider Training in Dubai

First Aider Training

In Dubai first aider training is very high quality and low cost. First Aid is essential training it will useful for all ages. Basically, we know how to attend to somebody when they have suffered a complicated can be a life-saving skill. First aid course is do not teach us how to save a life of human beings but it will help somebody in distress and make them stay alive until the rescue team arrives.

Dubai being a cosmopolitan city offers various medical facilities for the treatment of injuries and illnesses. However, not everyone knows how to deal with situations where they face trauma or accidents. Therefore, first aider training in Dubai is highly recommended for people who work around others day in and day out.

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Basic first aid course

The course teaches students what to do in different emergency situations such as burns, poisoning, cardiac arrest, broken bones, etc. Students learn how to apply bandages properly, clean wounds, give CPR, use an oxygen mask, handle bleeding and shock, and many other skills like basic first aid training

If we completed the first aid training in Dubai after that they will give us a certificate. That certificate is accepted by DHA( Dubai health authority), and Approval of the certificate by the Dubai safety and health institute and Dubai corporation for ambulance services.

First Aider Training:

1. CPR Training

CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) training is a lifesaving technique that teaches individuals how to perform chest compressions and rescue breathing to revive someone who has suffered cardiac arrest. A person performing CPR can increase the chance of survival by 50 percent. If performed correctly, CPR can also prevent brain damage and even death.

2. Bloodborne Pathogens Training

Bloodborne pathogens are viruses, bacteria, and parasites that live in blood and can cause serious illness if not treated properly. Exposure to bloodborne pathogens can occur through cuts, scrapes, bites, and stabbings. Having proper knowledge about bloodborne pathogen transmission and prevention can help reduce the risk of contracting these illnesses.

3. Wilderness Survival Training

Wilderness survival training teaches individuals how to stay calm under stressful conditions and make smart decisions. These skills are especially useful in times of natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, and fires. Knowing how to survive in these types of environments can help people avoid getting hurt or killed.

4. Mental Health Awareness Training

Mental health awareness training helps people understand mental disorders and how to treat them. By learning about mental disorders, people can become aware of their own feelings and behaviors and know how to seek treatment when necessary.

5. Asthma Training

Asthma training teaches individuals how to manage asthma symptoms and control them. People who suffer from asthma often experience shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, and tightness in the chest. Learning to recognize these symptoms and take action to relieve them can help people cope with asthma attacks and improve their quality of life.

6. Diabetes Training

Diabetes training teaches individuals how to monitor their blood sugar levels and maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine. Many people with diabetes require insulin injections to regulate their blood sugar levels. Proper monitoring and management of blood sugar levels can help people avoid complications and live healthier lives.

Trauma care

Trauma care helps in treating injuries caused due to accidents. It involves providing emergency healthcare services to victims of traumatic injury. These injuries may be caused due to car accidents, falls, violence etc. Trauma care includes assessment of the patient’s condition, stabilization of blood pressure, breathing rate, pulse, temperature and oxygen levels. Treatment options are provided depending upon the type of injury.

Wound Care

Wounds are open cuts on the skin. There are two types of wounds- acute and chronic. Acute wounds heal within 4 weeks of injury while chronic wounds take longer than four weeks to heal. Chronic wounds often occur due to diabetes, poor circulation, and infections. Wound care involves cleaning the wound, debriding dead tissue, applying dressings, controlling infection, and stimulating healing.

Emergency Care

Emergency care is given to patients who have suffered cardiac arrest, respiratory failure, shock, burns, poisoning, spinal cord injuries, head injuries, diabetic emergencies, seizures, stroke, choking, electric shocks, drowning, snake bites, and other emergencies. Patients suffering from these conditions require immediate attention. Emergency care is administered by trained professionals including doctors, nurses, paramedics, firefighters, and police officers.

Poison Control

Poison control centers provide information about poisons and their effects on humans. A poison control center may refer a person who has ingested or inhaled a substance to a hospital. If the situation requires urgent medical attention, the patient may be referred to a physician, an intensive care unit (ICU), or an emergency department. Poison control centers are located throughout the country.

Dental Emergencies

Dental emergencies involve any dental problem that occurs suddenly. Toothaches, bleeding gums, loose teeth, cracked or broken teeth, mouth sores, and abscesses are some examples of dental emergencies. People experiencing these problems should contact a dentist immediately. Depending upon the severity of the problem, the patient may need to visit a dentist immediately or wait until the pain subsides.

Skin Problems

Skin problems include rashes, blisters, boils, insect bites, sunburn, herpes, chickenpox, and other infections. Most of these conditions do not require immediate medical attention. However, if the area affected becomes infected or develops pus, then the doctor should be contacted immediately.


  • A first aid kit should be stored in a place where it can easily be accessed if needed. A good first aid kit should have items that cover any type of emergency situation including minor cuts, sprains, bites, stings, head lice, frostbite, snake bite, asthma attack, diabetic shock, heart attacks, seizures, and much more.
  • Fire extinguishers are useful tools that can protect you from dangerous fires. These devices work by spraying water or foam that puts out the fire. Make sure to know how to use the device correctly and make sure it works before putting it away. 
  • Band-Aid Bandage pads are used to stop bleeding and provide protection for wounds. Keep a box of band-aids on hand and know how to use them.
  • Epinephrine is a drug that helps treat allergic reactions and panic attacks. When you feel yourself getting anxious or stressed, take a deep breath and then press the heel of your hand against your chest over your sternum (breastbone). Squeeze firmly and hold for 5 seconds. Then release, breathe normally, and relax. Repeat this procedure three times.
  • Take 1/10th of a milliliter of epinephrine injector solution and inject it under your tongue. Do not swallow the liquid; instead, let it sit on your tongue for 10 minutes. Afterward, drink plenty of fluids.
  • An oxygen mask can be used for several reasons including treating asthma, heart problems, and carbon monoxide poisoning.

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