1. Highfield Level 3 International Award in Emergency First Aid at Work
Highfield Level 3 International Award in Emergency First Aid at work is an approved qualification by European Resuscitation Council (ERC) aimed at providing laborers, masons, foreman, construction supervisors, engineers with the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to support emergency first aid in the construction site or area. The qualification covers knowledge such as the roles and responsibilities of a first aider and how to assess and incident. It also covers first aid skills in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for a casualty who on Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA), providing first aid to a casualty who is choking and dealing with external bleeding and shock.
This program includes simulation of actual emergencies to ensure that attendees are competent in administering proper treatment or care necessary to save lives and can be tailored to specific workplace environments. Training manuals and course content are based on industry best practice, international standards, as well as legislation and regulatory requirements of the local regulatory
Topics covered :
- Introduction- The emergency First Aider
- Emergency First Aid in the Workplace
- Chain of Survival
- Primary Survey
- Responsibilities of a First Aider
- Heart Attack and Cardiac Arrest
- Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
- Secondary survey
- Stroke
- Choking
- Secondary survey
- Musculo-Skeletal Conditions
- Breathing and Circulation
- Asthma and Inhalers
- Principles of Resuscitation
- Diabetes
- Seizures and Epilepsy
- Anaphylactic Shock- Severe Allergic Reaction
- Environmental Emergencies, Machine and power tools related injuries
- Bleeding and Shock
- Wound Management- Dressing and Bandaging
- Embedded and Impaled object
- Heat & cold emergencies
This program includes simulation of actual emergencies to ensure that attendees are competent in administering proper treatment or care necessary to save lives and can be tailored to specific workplace environments. Training manuals and course content are based on industry best practice, international standards, as well as legislation and regulatory requirements of the local regulatory
- MINIMUM AGE: 16 y.o
- INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION: Highfield Level 3 International Award in Emergency First Aid at Work
- VALIDITY: 3 years
- DCAS Approved (Dubai Corporation of Ambulance Services)
- Dubai Municipality
2. Highfield Level 3 International Award in Emergency First Aid at Work and Use of an AED
Highfield Level 3 International Award in Emergency First Aid at work and Use of AED is an approved qualification by European Resuscitation Council (ERC) aimed at providing laborers, masons, foreman, construction supervisors, engineers with the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to support emergency first aid in the workplace. The qualification covers knowledge such as the roles and responsibilities of a first aider and how to assess and incident. It also covers first aid skills in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and how to correctly use the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) during a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)
This program is an Instructor Led training which has a practical simulation of actual emergencies to ensure that attendees are competent in administering proper treatment or care necessary to save lives and can be tailored to specific workplace environments. Training manuals and course content are based on industry best practice, international standards, as well as legislation and regulatory requirements of the local regulatory
Topics covered :
- Introduction- The emergency First Aider
- Emergency First Aid in the Workplace
- Anaphylactic Shock- Severe Allergic Reaction
- Responsibilities of a First Aider
- Heart Attack and Cardiac Arrest
- Principles of resuscitation
- Chain of Survival
- How to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
- Primary Survey
- Stroke
- Chocking
- Secondary survey
- Musculo-Skeletal Conditions
- Breathing and Circulation
- Asthma and Inhalers
- Diabetes
- Seizures and Epilepsy
- Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
- Environmental Emergencies
- Bleeding and Shock
- Heat & cold emergencies
Individuals who are not healthcare providers or professional rescuers but desire or are required to be certified in basic emergency medical care.
Summary :
- MINIMUM AGE: 16 y.o
- INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION:Highfield Level 3 International Award in Emergency First Aid at Work and Use of an AED
- VALIDITY: 3 years
- DCAS Approved (Dubai Corporation of Ambulance Services)
- Dubai Municipalit
3. American Safety and Health Institute (ASHI)- First aid | CPR | AED- Combo Course (Adult)
American Safety and Health Institute (ASHI) CPR, AED and Basic First Aid is an approved qualification by International Liasson Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR). This training was created to allow instructors an easy option for their students seeking a comprehensive training class. The program helps develop the knowledge, skills, and confidence to respond to a medical emergency. CPR, AED and Basic First Aid combination training is an excellent choice for both the community and workplace setting, and conforms to the 2015 Guidelines Update for CPR, AED, and First Aid.
This program is a video-based training, associated with lectures, and simulation on what you can do in an actual injuries and emergencies to ensure that attendees are competent in administering proper treatment or care necessary to save lives and can be tailored to specific workplace environments. Training course content are based on industry best practice, international standards, as well as legislation and regulatory requirements of the local regulatory authority.
Topics covered :
- First Aid Provider & Legal Consideration
- Cardiac Arrest
- Recognizing and Emergency & Deciding to help
- CPR and AED
- Personal Safety & Standard precautions
- Heart attack
- Personal Protective Equipment
- Stroke
- Consent/ Applied consent
- Nosebleeds & Dental injuries
- Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
- Burns
- Primary Assessment
- Fainting, stroke, hypoglycemia, seizures
- Recovery Position
- Asthma &inhalers
- Choking
- Allergic reactions & epi pens
- Control of bleeding
- Heat & cold emergencies
- Shock
- Secondary Assessment
- Head, Neck, and Back Injury
- Diabetes
- Swollen, Painful, Deformed Limb
- Seizure
Individuals who are not a healthcare providers or professional rescuers but desire or are required to be certified in basic emergency medical care, including certification in CPR and then use of an AED.
Summary :
- MINIMUM AGE: 16 y.o
- VALIDITY: 2 years
- DCAS Approved (Dubai Corporation of Ambulance Services)
- Dubai Municipality
4. Standard First Aid & Community CPR | AED
This is a course for the general community desiring national and International CPR/AED and Standard (Basic) First Aid certification at the community level (Workplace). The course is a comprehensive educational program promoting objective driven and performance- based training that has an integrated curriculum. The curriculum’s first aid component includes training in scene and victim assessment, caring for injuries, caring for medical emergencies, injury prevention, and emergency moves. The curriculum’s CPR component includes training in adult and pediatric CPR, using an automated external defibrillation (AED), caring for airway obstruction, and preventing and caring for heart attack and stroke. This course satisfies the required medical content defined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for workplace CPR/AED & Standard First Aid training. The course is ideal for individuals seeking certification for job requirements, as well as those just desiring to learn lifesaving skills and information. This hands-on course covers content defined by the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR), and promulgated through the publication of the “CPR and ECC Guidelines by the American Heart Association. Students receive the most current content through a variety of educational methods, and must practice the required lifesaving skills on manikins and through simulations, drills and exercises to earn certification cards.
Participants will be able to:
- Describe basic life support and identify legal considerations when providing emergency care
- Recognize examples for medical conditions that require the need to call 998 for emergency services.
- List steps to take for preventing disease prevention when rendering first aid care.
- Identify and demonstrate how to provide care for adult aged persons experiencing respiratory distress and arrest.
- Identify and demonstrate how to provide care for adult persons experiencing an obstructed airway.
- Identify the signs and symptoms for a person in respiratory or cardiac distress.
- Demonstrate and perform the proper rescue techniques for assisting adult patients with cardiac arrests. CPR.
- To demonstrate how and when to properly use an Automated External Defibrillator for adult patients.
- Describe how to conduct a primary and secondary check to assess a victim.
- Identify various injuries and demonstrate the proper steps to render care.
- Identify life threatening medical emergencies and demonstrate the proper steps to render care.
- Describe how to prioritize care in situations where there are more victims than rescuers.
- Describe how to safely move victims in emergency situations
Successful evaluation includes:
Attending all scheduled sessions Complete all required course skills identified for certification. Completion of skill performance sheets until mastery is achieved Successful participation in team management simulations and in a group cognitive review
Individuals who are not healthcare providers or professional rescuers but desire or are required to be certified in basic emergency medical care.
- MINIMUM AGE: 16 y.o
- INTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION: Ellis & Associates Safety and Health Community CPR/AED & Standard First Aid
- VALIDITY: 2 years
- DCAS Approved (Dubai Corporation of Ambulance Services)
- Dubai Municipality