Safety Audit

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Safety audits are intended to assure that effective program elements are in place for identifying, eliminating, or controlling hazards that could adversely impact a company’s physical and human assets. Conducted properly, this type of audit will help reduce injury and illness rates, lower workers compensation and other business costs, empower employees by involving them in activities affecting their own safety and health, increase job satisfaction, and make the company more competitive.

More than just ticking a box in a safety audit. We go the extra mile by running an in-depth analysis to make your business safer and more efficient. Delegate to our passionate specialists to save time and effort and keep your people safe.

Formal Safety Audits

  • Should be conducted on a regularly scheduled basis
  • Demonstrate the company has made a commitment to safety and is monitoring and enforcing its established Safety Policy and procedures
  • Should be an official part of the company’s health and safety program
  • Should involve employees, supervisors, middle and upper level operating management, and health and safety professionals
  • Establish a schedule of safety audits for each workplace and work process

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